We have introduced a new system to replace both WisePay and SchoolPost. From January 2020 we will be using a combined communication and payments system called ParentMail, with the intention of streamlining the information you receive from the School and simplifying the process of making payments. The ParentMail app and website are well established, secure, and easy to use.
Q. How can I get the app?
A. You will receive an email invitation (from info@parentmail.co.uk) to download the ParentMail app. Once you have downloaded the app from either the iOS App Store or Google Play, you will need to create an account. We would ask that you please do this before the end of term so that we can address any issues before the switchover in January.
Q. I don’t have a smartphone. How can I stay informed and pay for trips and other school expenses?
A. You can use the ParentMail website at https://pmx.parentmail.co.uk which works in exactly the same way as the app. You will receive notifications by email when there are new messages for you.
Q. Can both parents use ParentMail?
A. Yes, you will receive individual invitations.
Q. When will the transition to ParentMail take place?
A. Communication will continue to come through SchoolPost for the rest of this term. At 09:00 on Monday 16 December we will freeze all items on WisePay so that we can transfer data across to ParentMail. From 09:00 on Friday 3 January ParentMail will be up and running. At this point you will be able to see previously existing WisePay payments by going into 'Payments' and then 'Shop'. All communication and payments will be via ParentMail from January 2020.
Q. How does ParentMail take payments?
A. The system will ask you to use a credit or debit card, just as WisePay did; you can opt to save this card if you want, or enter your details each time. Alternatively, you can choose to use PayPal if desired. The advantage over WisePay is that you will no longer be required to log in to a second service to make payments – it’s all on the same system.
Q. What happens about paying for outstanding items?
A. During the first week of the Christmas Holidays, we’ll be transferring everything across from WisePay to ParentMail. Any payments already made will be copied across. From Friday 3 January 2020 you’ll be able to make payments directly through ParentMail.
Q. My child is in Sixth Form and uses the Cashless Catering system. Will that be changing?
A. Yes, payments for Cashless Catering will move from WisePay to ParentMail with any existing balances carried over. The cash loader machine at the Sixth Form will still be in place.
I have created my ParentMail account, what happens next?
Q. When will information be sent to me? Should I log in at a particular time each day or week? How will I be notified about something new, such as trips?
A. From January 2020 you will start to receive messages from the Foundation via ParentMail. If you have the app installed, you can enable notifications for new messages.
Trip information will continue to be communicated as and when required.
3-11 schools will continue to send a weekly communication every Friday at 16:00 with the occasional exception.
11-18 schools will send messages as and when required.
Q. When do I need to respond to a ParentMail message?
A. To help you differentiate between messages simply conveying information and those requiring a response, the subject line of all future communications will start with one of the following:
Q. What else can ParentMail do for me?
A. During the Spring Term we will be introducing online bookings for 3-11 parents’ evenings through the system. You’ll get a message to let you know when booking will be going live, and then make the bookings through the app or website. 11-18 will pilot this booking system at a later date to be confirmed.
Q. How are the different functions on the app and website used?
Q. How can I find out more about ParentMail?
A. Visit parentmail.co.uk for general information about the system as well as a list of tips on logging in.
Q. Who should I contact at the Stephen Perse Foundation if I have problems or questions?
A. You can email Neil Williams, the Foundation’s Data Manager, at datamanager@stephenperse.com
Q. Is there any other way I can get help with ParentMail?
A. ParentMail have a comprehensive help section on their website at https://parentmail.co.uk/help/parenthelp