Published on 15/01/21
Despite the pandemic and the restrictions that this has imposed, Rosemary Tice (Geography and Biology teacher, 1965-1990) and Katie Milne (Junior School teacher, 1979-2006 and then Head of Junior School 2006 - 2019) marked the 140th birthday of the Foundation by organising the delivery of a hyacinth.
The tradition of gifting a birthday hyacinth has taken place for over 50 years, since 1967, and has been passed from Miss Scott (Headmistress until 1967) who started the tradition on her retirement, to Miss Graham-Campbell and then to Miss Tice and Miss Milne.
David Hewlett, Head of Rosedale House and Louise Graham, Head of Dame Bradbury’s shared the history of this tradition with the key worker children in school and the children studying remotely via their weekly assembly. It is our aim to celebrate and mark the Stephen Perse 140th anniversary later this year.