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Please find below our Foundation policies. We also have bespoke policies for our:

If you have any concerns or queries regarding our policies please contact us.

  1. Academic Honesty 2023-2025

  2. Academic Honesty Policy 2024-2026

  3. Admissions Policy

  4. Anti-Bullying Policy

  5. Assessment and Reporting Policy

  6. Behaviour, Rewards and Sanctions Policy

  7. Bursary and Financial Assistance Policy

  8. Careers Education and Guidance Policy

  9. CCTV Policy

  10. Charging Policy for Public Exams 2024-25

  11. Child-on-Child Abuse Policy

  12. Children Missing or Absent from Education Policy and Procedures

  13. Complaints Policy and Procedures

  14. Curriculum Policy

  15. Disability Policy

  16. English as an Additional Language (EAL) Policy

  17. Equal Opportunities for Pupils Policy

  18. First Aid Policy

  19. Forest School Policy

  20. Gender Pay Gap - 2021

  21. Gender Pay Gap - 2022

  22. Gender Pay Gap - 2023

  23. Health and Safety Policy Statement

  24. Ill Health and Exclusions Procedures

  25. Inclement Weather and Public Examinations

  26. Information for parents on Remote Teaching Procedures

  27. Intimate Care Policy

  28. Managing Nut and Other Allergies Policy

  29. Medicines Policy

  30. Mental Health Policy for Pupils

  31. Missing Child Policy and Procedures

  32. Non-Collection of a Child Policy and Procedures

  33. Online Safety Policy

  34. Pastoral Care Policy

  35. Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) Policy

  36. Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy

  37. Safeguarding and Child Protection Statement

  38. Safer Recruitment Policy

  39. Searching and retention and disposal of confiscated items policy

  40. Smoking, Alcohol and the Misuse of Drugs and Substances Policy

  41. Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Policy

  42. Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions Policy

  43. Teaching and Learning Policy

  44. Technology Acceptable Use Policy for Pupils - Foundation

  45. Trips and Visits Policy

  46. Unreasonable behaviour towards staff policy

  47. Visitors and Visiting Speakers Policy