Published on 26/10/22
Year 12 Art A Level and enrichment group students have been learning about the relationships between Art and Science as part of the PDB Art Project, run by the Protein Data Bank (PDB) of Europe.
Scientists gave a live online presentation to explain the work that the PDB does and how students could help communicate visual ideas about scientific theory through their artwork. Students selected proteins of interest making multimedia work that aimed to express the effects or functions of specific biomolecular structures. Work by Siqi, Aimee, Hayley and Thanatpohn was selected for the PDB 2023 calendar. In addition, work by Daria, Jemima, Claire, Eden, Kathryn, Siqi, Aimee and Willow was also chosen for the annual exhibition of student work.
Congratulations to Siqi who won a £50 gift voucher for art materials by winning the over-16 prize.