Published on 18/11/22
Friday 11 November 2022 was a special day for us as a Foundation. For the first time, the Senior School and the Sixth Form came together for an assembly in the Sports Hall to collectively remember those affected by war.
The Assembly was expertly led by the Sixth Form History Society who have been working hard over the past few months to collate the vast amount of information that was kindly shared by our parent community so the students could build an assembly that focused on the contribution of those directly linked to the Foundation. Some families requested that their children read the stories of their relatives themselves in the assembly, while others preferred to have their stories read by our History Society members. What a privilege to read through the numerous stories of heroism and it was hugely poignant to have our students hear such personal stories from the families of their fellow students.
On behalf of the History Department and History Society, we extend our grateful thanks to all those who shared their precious stories with us. All the stories will be made available to our students to read.
Natalie Stanley - Head of History & Politics