Published on 07/02/23
Year 7 students Manan and Theeran took part in an exciting lego challenge recently with great success.
The First Lego League Challenge is an international competition for students aged 9 to 16. The challenge involves designing and programming Lego robots to complete defined missions and score max points.
The missions are related to a theme which changes every year. This year's theme ‘Super Powered’ was related to energy. The regional Cambridge event was organised at the University of Cambridge Engineering Department. There were 14 teams competing in total from local schools and Lego clubs.
The competition was broken down into two sections: the first one was the robot games and the second was an innovation project. Judges look for mission scores, robot design, innovation projects and overall teamwork. They ask questions about every category.
Congratulations go to Manan and his club team CERC who won the overall regionals competition, with team members from many different schools. He and his team practised every Sunday and he said he learned a lot while having fun, in preparing for this competition. His team will now go through to the nationals which will take place in Harrogate in April. Theeran and his team were also winners but this time for Best Robot.