Published on 10/05/21
As Covid restrictions slowly ease, local trips at Stephen Perse are beginning to take place again. Recently our A Level geography students went on a field trip to Southwold, a seaside town in Suffolk.
The purpose of the trip was for the students to practise their fieldwork skills in preparation for completing their independent investigation coursework in which they will define a question to investigate, carrying out fieldwork and research on their topic, before writing up their findings.
In Southwold they tested geographical theory by measuring beach profiles, taking sediment samples and assessing the quality of sea defences. The students used both traditional (the trusty clipboard) and modern ways (the data gathering app Survey123) to record their data. Using the app proved useful as the analysis of the data was automatically geolocated, meaning that maps of the results were generated quickly and easily.
After they had gathered all data needed, the blustery weather didn't stop the students from having an obligatory seaside ice cream. Year 12 Daisy commented “It's so good to get out there again!” after covid restrictions had prevented the class from going on data gathering trips earlier in the year. Tim Pegler, Curriculm Leader for Geography, agreed stating “It was great to get back out there - the outdoors is really where Geography comes alive!”.